Ontario Energy Rebate Programs
Wilcox is aware of many business Ontario energy rebate programs available that would be a benefit for your business. It is essential now more than ever to factor in your energy costs when reviewing operational costs. You can save money with Ontario energy rebate programs for equipment that can assist you in using less energy. Before you purchase energy-related facility equipment, you will want to know what the long term return on investment is. Whether you are a small or large business, energy efficient products save you money and can improve operational effectiveness.
Do you Qualify?
There are a variety of industries that qualify for facility equipment incentives whether it is through a program by the Ministry of Energy directly or your local utility company. These energy incentives are usually related to space and/or water heating and food processing. The majority of these energy-efficiency programs have a time frame so its beneficial to act when one is running. Wilcox Door Service have been successful in helping businesses realize energy savings with returns on investment as quick as 3 months. Learn more about Enbridge’s fixed incentive programs and how they can apply to products like Air Curtains or Dock Seals. Speak to one of our knowledgeable consultants about what products are eligible and your potential savings. Email us now to see if you qualify.
Supplier Diversity Goals
There are several goals that organizations have with utilizing diverse suppliers in their corporate spend. Wilcox is a proud Aboriginal business that can help you achieve these goals! Wilcox is both a member of CAMSC and CCAB. If you are interested in seeing how Wilcox can help you achieve these by utilizing our services please click here to contact us.

Our available incentive programs

Air Curtain Program – For Qualified Businesses
Air Curtains are your best option for energy efficiency, high performance and conservation for your business in any type of opening. There are significant rebates for the purchase and installation of these Air Curtains in specific parts of the province. This upgrade is designed to create a thermal air barrier reducing infiltration of outside air providing year round energy cost savings.
The air curtain program has a potential rebate of up to 80% for qualified businesses. Contact Wilcox Door today to see if you qualify for this business energy rebate and begin your journey to reduce total energy costs and your carbon footprint. See the available incentive programs.

Meet Supplier Diversity Goals
Wilcox is a proud certified member of CAMSC (Canadian Aboriginal & Minority Supplier Council) as well as CCAB (Canadian Council of Aboriginal Businesses) through our status in the far reaches of the Canadian North.
This association can help your business meet supplier diversity goals. An example would be a level of government awarding a business a project/job because they work with an Aboriginal or minority supplier.
Contact Wilcox to discuss how we can be your 24/7 industrial dock and door service provider.

If you have any questions about any of our studies, programs or industry specific please fill out the form below.