The Challenge:

Our client, a prominent Canadian retail company based in Ontario, was experiencing issues with one of their mechanical loading docks. The structural integrity of the steel frame was compromised due to rust, and the lip assembly frequently became stuck. The lip, a crucial component of the loading dock, had become a significant safety hazard. Employees resorted to manually pushing the lip into place — creating the risk of serious injuries.

The Solution:

Recognizing the urgent need for a solution, the client contacted Wilcox Door Service. Our skilled technicians completed a comprehensive assessment of both loading docks.

Our assessment revealed extensive deterioration that could not be repaired. We recommended complete replacement of both mechanical loading docks to ensure long-term reliability and safety.


Replacing our client’s loading docks provides several important benefits:

  • Eliminates downtime caused by malfunctioning equipment
  • Increases productivity while loading and unloading trailers
  • Creates a safer work environment and reduces risk of injuries
  • Reduces future reactive service costs and improves cost-effectiveness

The Wilcox Difference:

Wilcox Door Services is an industry leader in commercial door and loading dock repair and installation services. These are some of the key reasons clients choose Wilcox first:

  • Our industry-leading technicians conduct thorough on-site assessments to address immediate concerns and prevent future issues.
  • We take a holistic approach that considers the broader implications and prioritizes safety and long-term efficiency.
  • We provide expert guidance to help you determine when equipment replacement is a better financial investment than paying for ongoing repairs.

Get Your Loading Docks Checked by Wilcox’s Expert Technicians

At Wilcox, we know how important it is for you to protect your business, operate efficiently, and minimize unnecessary and unplanned expenses. When you partner with us, you’ll get high-quality service and solutions you can depend on. With our expertise in loading dock equipment and loading dock installation, we can help you protect your business with the best system for your facility.

Contact us today to get a comprehensive assessment and discuss the benefits of upgrading your loading docks. We’ll help you protect the investment you’ve made in your business.